In a recent article, Forbes Magazine offered some tips for agencies that provide social media management services about how to scale their services. The article highlights the challenges of managing multiple social media campaigns for multiple companies at one time. We’ll explore some of this piece’s key points and provide our take as well.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
How to Scale a Social Media Marketing Company: Three Steps You Need to Take
Published by Forbes, 2021.
“While some of us grew up in the #hashtag era, others cringe at the thought of creating content solely for obtaining likes, comments and a bigger following. Welcome to social media marketing. By no means is it necessary that businesses grow a social media following, but doing so can help a business flourish.
Including a mix of in-house marketers, agencies and freelancers, there are roughly 50 million social media marketing companies worldwide, according to some sources. Each of them claims they know how to grab and hold your audience’s attention better than anyone else…
While this tells us just how easy it can be to start a social media marketing agency, we know that being successful is another story. I want to be clear — and make it simple — for agency owners wondering how they can do the latter.
You might be thinking: Isn’t it just a matter of building branded content and setting up a third-party scheduling tool?
Sure, that will save your team a few hours a week. But social media requires social interaction — monitoring and building connections on a daily basis. If you’re an agency owner running six different accounts in varying industries, the chances of getting your customer stellar results becomes slim.”
Here’s Blue’s View on The Article and Growing a Social Media Presence:
Find Your Niche
The Forbes article offers succinct advice about scaling a social media company that begins with finding a niche. If you can secure a niche focus like transportation services, healthcare, or the food industry, you can become an authority in your field. Without a strong niche focus, your social management teams might be jumping from hospitality to service to medical without ever really developing a deep knowledge portfolio of a single industry. With a single industry focus, your agency suddenly has a lot of niche expertise to offer.
Create Products or Services to Offer Your Clients
Next, the author encourages agencies to “productize” their services into packages. Managing social media sounds a bit vague and can encompass many different tasks. The author suggests packaging your services to create products. You can market these packaged products more effectively to prospective clients and more clearly define what you’re offering to do.
Get White Label Services to Manage Your Social Accounts
Finally, the Forbes piece suggests working with White Label partners to provide services for your clients. Rather than working with different freelancers for various projects, you can work with the same crew to develop content or provide other services that you need for your clients.
Grow Your Social Media Presence for Any Business
The Forbes article offers a simplified method for scaling a social media business that will help you streamline your services and market them more effectively. Once you’ve appropriately scaled your service, you can form the processes needed to operate your business.
Blue Interactive Agency offers a wide range of digital marketing services for businesses representing many different industries. We are able to provide a niche focus in several different sectors such as addiction treatment. If you’re interested in streamlining your business marketing plan, contact us for our cutting-edge solutions or give us a call at 954-779-2801.