In the article, 5 Most Successful Video Marketing Tactics Brands Are Using to Grab Eyeballs and Convert Customers, here is one of the points made:
“Taking a stand against injustice is more rewarding than staying silent
Some corporate brands have been very vocal about their values and are using their voices to improve society. Issues of social injustice such as racial and gender inequalities have made headlines in recent times. Brands that have been very vocal against these vices in their video marketing campaigns stand out among their counterparts, winning the consumers’ trust by choosing to speak out rather than looking the other way.
An Edelman report revealed that 64% of consumers would either patronize or boycott a brand based on its position on a social or political issue. Incorporate your values in your video marketing campaigns as a constant reminder of where your company stands.”
Is Taking A Stand Against Injustice a Good Video Marketing Tactic for Brands?
In the referenced article recently published by Entrepreneur, author James Jorner discusses some major trends that have helped brands achieve a modicum of success during the COVID-19 pandemic. He discusses trends such as brand flexibility, marketing with empathy, getting creative with marketing budgets, and developing mobile-friendly content. These trends are likely to enjoy some staying power as they can certainly help brands promote their products / services effectively in a post-COVID world. However, it’s the discussion of “taking a stand against injustice” that is especially relevant to marketers in the here and now. By taking a stand on highly divisive political and cultural issues, many companies have been willing to step into the fray, risking the loss of customers. Companies like Nike and Ben & Jerry’s crafted powerful video messaging to convey their values and stance on social justice. Conversely, companies such as Goya and My Pillow chose to reveal their positions and faced boycotts.
Is this the new norm for companies? Can we expect more brands to pick a side and throw caution (and profits) to the wind? Will video marketing teams continue to tap into issues that are raw and important to the public? According to Jorner, “64% of consumers would either patronize or boycott a brand based on a social or political issue.”
Where Does This Leave Brands and Marketers?
The truth is, increasing numbers of consumers want to know who they’re supporting and what the company stands for. Who does that company support? How much money have CEOs donated to various organizations? The marketing environment constantly changes with society. While some trends listed in this article are more or less benign, others are quite tricky to navigate.
More brands may be pressed to express their beliefs and share their values when it comes to the issues facing society. And, while making that video messaging mobile-friendly is certainly an on-trend point, taking a stand is another hot marketing trend of late.