Social Media Marketing Tips for Beginners

social media marketing tips6 tips to help you get started with social media marketing

Ready to start using social media marketing to build your business? Social media has become a necessary marketing tool for brands and businesses of all sizes.  People who are new to social media marketing sometimes assume that because they have a strong personal presence on social media, that marketing their company through social media will be effortless. Actually, using social media for marketing is a bit different. Whether you are new to social media or simply new to using social channels for marketing, we have some social media marketing tips that you may find helpful.

1. Choose social media platforms your customers use

There are so many social media marketing platforms available that beginners often overextend themselves and end up defeating their efforts before they really get started. Choose just three social platforms to start. That typically means Facebook, Twitter, and one other that your top customers and competitors are using. For instance, if your business is a travel company, Instagram or YouTube will be your best choice. LinkedIn would be a better choice for a company that caters to entrepreneurs, and so on.

2. Set the style for each business social media profiles

The profiles you create will serve as brand ambassadors for your business on the various social platforms. Decide on the tone, voice, and style for each social account. Attach a unique value proposition for each social platform, with a mission statement to direct your efforts. This will give followers a reason to check out your presence on the different social networks.

3. Optimize your social media profiles for SEO

Optimizing your social media profiles for SEO value will help attract more traffic to your online properties. Start by choosing a clear, search-friendly name for each of your social profiles. Include a professional personal photo Link your profiles to your website through the ‘About” section, and verify the link so Google will recognize it as the official presence on each social platform for your business.. Fill out all areas in your social media profile completely, and make sure images and text are optimized to match the social network involved.  In the description area of the profiles, concentrate on terms that have SEO value. Cross-promote with each social network.

4. Decide on your goals

Take the time to decide what you want to accomplish with your social marketing efforts before you start posting. Many small business owners try to skip this step, and it is always a mistake. Develop a social media marketing strategy with one or two specific goals for each platform, such as improving sales, generating signups for your email newsletter, or increasing membership in your loyalty program. Once you have specific goals in place, you will be able to measure the performance of your social marketing efforts and adjust as needed.

5. Find and follow influencers

Finding influencers to follow is a critical part of social media marketing. Research the standout social posters in your industry and start following several. While this is not going to directly build your profile to start, it will place you in the right industry niche. This will also supply you with interesting information and posts that you can share in your own feed.

6. Post a mix of helpful and entertaining content

Don’t send out strictly promotional content – instead apply the 80/20 rule of 80 percent interesting and useful content to 20 percent promotional content. This is one of the most important social media marketing tips for small businesses, because sending out strictly promotional content will quickly drive customers away. Remember: the most successful social marketing campaigns post content that entertains or makes followers’ lives easier in some way.

If you would like more social media marketing tips for beginners or are interested in handing over your social media marketing chores so you can concentrate on running your company, you can always turn to Blue Interactive Agency. Our full service internet marketing team will provide support for all your social marketing efforts, from establishing your initial presence to creating dynamic, professional social media campaigns designed to drive engagement.

Contact us at Blue Interactive Agency today at 954-779-2801 for more social media marketing tips, along with professional social media marketing support services to help your business grow!

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